Vinyl Records

Top 15 Classical Music Albums To Own on Vinyl

Classical music is a great way to destress, get better sleep, and focus. Blending good classical music into your everyday life will bring you one step closer to the mental health benefits that come with the genre, and one way to go about doing this is to start adding some classical albums to your vinyl…

jazz albums on vinyl to own on vinyl

Best Jazz Records on Vinyl: 13 Albums You Should Own on Vinyl

With vinyl records more popular now than ever, it can be challenging to narrow down the options out there. It isn’t easy to make decisions when it comes to purchasing albums on vinyl because there are just so many albums to choose from- especially in the jazz genre. That’s why I’ve created a list of…

The 15 Best Vinyl Records of the ’80s

Music is subjective: what we enjoy is deeply rooted in our personality, sense of taste, and developmental years. But some albums are undisputed masterpieces, even if you aren’t a fan of the genre. When played on vinyl, they have a classic sound that can make even those not born in the decade nostalgic for a…

How Many Vinyl Records Are Sold Each Year?

In the past ten years, the way we buy and listen to music has dramatically changed. With the development of streaming and subscription services, you might think that purchasing physical albums has become obsolete — but the booming vinyl record industry indicates otherwise.  Over 18 million vinyl records have been sold each year since 2019,…

Can You Use Goo Gone on Vinyl Records?

We all know how annoying it is to get adhesive off something, especially when it’s a vinyl record. In the case of a jar of tomato sauce, you probably don’t care about the state of the jar, so it doesn’t matter how you clean it. However, when cleaning a vinyl record, you want to ensure…

The 7 Best Vertical Vinyl Record Players

If you enjoy listening to records, then you likely appreciate vinyl records and the authentic, beautiful sound they produce. And if you’re in the market to purchase a record player, it is worthwhile to consider a vertical vinyl record player. The best vertical vinyl record players are:  Pro-Ject VT-E-R Record Player Floating Record Vertical Turntable …

Why Are Vinyl Records Black?

Nothing spells out more vintage and class than a spinning phonograph record playing a song on a recorder. The mystique of a spinning black vinyl record on a needle adjuster, and the sound production, makes the experience all the more attractive in a digital music age. Most Vinyl records are black, mainly because of the…

Top 10 Most Expensive Vinyl Records

Vinyl records have been a popular way of listening to music since the early 1900s. They produce excellent sound and are treasured collectibles – some vinyl records are even worth thousands of dollars. If you’re a vinyl enthusiast, you’ve probably wondered how expensive they can get. Here are the top 10 most expensive vinyl records: …

Do Vinyl Records Fit in Milk Crates? Let’s Find Out

Vinyl records are extensive for music enthusiasts. Vinyl records have been gracing listeners since the 1900s, but while they’re thought of as retro, that hasn’t deterred music consumers from continuing to purchase them. Increased purchases means a high need to store them properly.    Vinyl records can fit in old or modern oversized milk crates. About…

Why Do Vinyl Records Crackle?

Vinyl records have surprisingly made a comeback in the past decade and even threaten to outsell CDs, with an increasing number of younger people becoming more interested in them. Many well-known artists have released their old albums in the vintage vinyl record format. It’s pretty cool, except some people complain about a constant crackling noise….